A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So today was my grandmothers funeral.  It was really beautiful.  I’m glad we had the opportunity to reflect and say goodbye.  At the cemetery there was a mommy and baby deer playing.  The baby was like a little kitten jumping all over the place, it was adorable, and perfect for my grandmother who loved to watch the animals.  It was truly a special day.

Especially when we were able to tell family our great news.  We went to lunch after everything was done, and I can honestly say there would not have been a better time.  Not only was a large part of my family together (both Mike, Steve, Charity, Christopher, Lewis, Beth and my moms) for the first time in a long time, but it was something that honestly made them happy.  Gave them a reason to smile today.

I had come up with a creative way to tell my mom, as it just seemed the right thing to do.  I gave her a box with a miniature sewing machine in it, that said “what am I?” on the top.  And then a card that said “when can you get a new one?”, and a copy of the ultrasound inside.  (She was told that she can get a new sewing machine when she has a grand-daughter, hence the whole set-up).  I believe she put it together before she even opened the envelope, because that’s when she started to cry.

Tomorrow we will made the rounds to the rest of our parents.  I am on my way out the door to go buy some picture frames to put the ultrasound in for everyone.  I think the goal is to make every parent cry.  So far we are doing good!

I also told Brian that I think this is the most exciting part, telling all of our family and making them happy.  And also making it so I don’t have to lie and keep this damn secret anymore.  Whoohoo!!