A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So brian and I had a chat via texting last night (because that’s how we talk during the week), and we started to discuss the nursery decor. I honestly did not expect him to have an opinion, because he usually doesn’t, but this time he did. And although it started out as a small joke (he said to theme it as an “elven forest” via Lord of the Rings), it actually turned into something we both like a lot. Best of all, it only took about 20 minutes to figure it out. So here are some inspiration pictures and the color scheme. 

The colors :

From left to right: Trim, tree, leaves, walls,  girl birds, boy birds. 
Here’s what I mean by tree:

It’s a really cool decal isn’t it?  And it’s color customizable. The tree itself will be brown, leaves green and the birds will depend on the sex of the baby (ie purple or blue). And then we can bring pops or purple/blue in with the carpet and small accent pieces. 

I love this freaking nightlight:

A cute painting that I found that completly goes with the room. I will use the saying, and make something custom for the room. 

So there it is, the beginnings of our nursery. And it’s pretty much unisex, so we can start on it as soon as we want to. That is, after I finish the kitchen.