A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So tonight brian and I attended our first baby class…breastfeeding 101. The best thing about the class is that I knew a lot of it, so it’s kinda given me a confidence in the whole breast feeding thing. And brian learned a lot of stuff too, which will be great for when I get frustrated. 

So some fun highlights:
1). Brian and I decided at the class that we won’t be introducing a pacifier until at least 4 weeks. We both really want this to be successful, and introducing a pacifier earlier then that can lead to confusion and a lack of latching…which in turn can ruin the whole thing. 
2). We got to hold creepy dolls to try out positions. Brian liked to poke it and I found squeezing it’s head made the eyes buldge. Needless to say, we had fun. And ironically the baby had my name too:  

The nurse teaching said she hoped it wasn’t a sign that that’s how big our baby was going to be. 
3). We got a couple free books from the mentor public library to add to our babies collection. And a cute bib that says “born to read”, which with our kid I can only hope is true. 
4). The gave us a pediatrician recommendation which was kinda cool.  They said it is one of the only ones in the area with a lactation consultant on staff. So I’m going to check that place out. 
5). Last but not least, hormones suck. The beginning of the class I started tearing up because of the baby pictures, and well frankly the whole idea of it. And as I looked around the room….I was the only freaking one. I have a problem. Lol
All in all it was informative and fun. And now we will look into other fun classes to take together. I’m so grateful that I have a wonderful husband that is so involved with this. And beyond supportive to. I love you sweetie!!