A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So we had our monthly appointment today.  And everything is still going good.  All my tests are normal and my fundal height is right at 25 weeks.  Oh, and the one I always pay attention to, my weight is normal.  The doc made me laugh when we were going into the office, and I stepped on the scale.  She mentioned how I didn’t even care to take off my shoes, and that’s how it should be.  lol

We also got to hear the baby’s heartbeat too.  It was really easy to find and hear this time.  🙂

I asked about my blood work and heart issues, and she said that my anemia is normal.  And she’s not concerned about my heart either.  Luckily I haven’t had any issues lately, so I’m just going to keep trucking on.

I have an order to go to the lab and do my glucose test, which I will do next week.  And then we go back in November again.  So yeah, nothing crazy new or fun at this appointment.