A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So my paranoia is killing me.  The baby is just not moving as much as she had before…still after many days. And I did the eat and drink and then lay down and count kicks. But it still was not enough.  

And I know around 29 weeks, which is tomorrow, the baby is starting to run out of room and so kicks and stuff are not a jabby. But it’s still not helping me. 
I went to babys r us yesterday just to see how much their dopplers cost. Well they only had one and it was $25. So I decided that $25 was worth my peace of mind. 

I tried it out when I got home and wasn’t able to find anything. So today I decided to lay on the couch and try again. And I found it!  I am currently listening to her heartbeat as I write this. And it’s very calming to my nerves. And now that I know what it sounds like with this machines, I should be able to find it easier in the future when I start to freak out again. This is making me a happy mommy. And maybe tonight when brian gets home he will want to listen.