A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

Well, today is the day I have been dreading for a while now. Today is the day I told myself I had to tell my boss that I am going to be a stay at home mom. And so I just did it. 

It took one giant pep talk for the last 24 hours to myself, a bit of convincing to walk into his office. Some near misses of actually making it into his office. But I did it. 
And if course, as was assumed, he was fine with it. And also as assumed, I couldn’t do it without crying. Lol. 
He said that as much as its unfortunate for the company, as I’m a huge asset, he respects me for choosing to do it. And says that brian and I are going to make wonderful parents, “though it’s still questionable how normal she will be with some of those crazy ideas brian has all the time”.  Yes, my boss did say that. 
He asked how long I wanted to work for, and said the will keep me working until I don’t want to anymore. Even if it means overlapping employees.  And he also said that if I decide to go back to work, he expects the first phone call. 
It’s just great to work at such an awesome place where it’s about family first.