A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So yesterday Brian and I attended a 6 hour childbirth prep class. Poor brian only had a few hours of sleep, but he made it through with only a couple near nod-offs. Lol

The class itself was informative. Mostly for me learning the science behind a lot of what happens. That’s was pretty cool. And most importantly, giving brian an idea of what will happen so he feels better equipped to handle everything. 
I asked if he was worried about anything before the class on Friday, and he said he was only worried that we wouldn’t get to the hospital in time for them to drug me. Of course he now understands it takes quite a long time to reach the point of no return on the drug front. 
Also, we are horriblely immature students. When it came time for guided meditation (just one of the many non-medical pain management options), we could not stop laughing at some of the things said.  A lot of it came across as really perverted, and it was not gonna end once we both started laughing.  I felt horrible for the other couples who were embracing it and trying really hard, and then they had to deal with us.  So we know thats not an option.  Lol
When they talked about packing your hospital bag, they said to bring some comforts of home to make you feel better. And we both said “Nightmare”. At least we think the same on comforts of home. Lol
We got to tour the birthing suites, which we have seen before when visiting other friends. They’re such nice rooms. I mean the towels in the bathrooms were folded all fancy like….its basically a hotel room. So at least we will be comfy for those couple days that we are there. 
Things are getting close now. I’ll be 30 weeks tomorrow. Only 10 more weeks to go. Or really only 7, because after 37 weeks, if we have the baby it is still considered full term. Though I hope to go on-time or later. I don’t really want a holiday baby. 
So now we can start prep on the nursery. We bought the paint last night. And are hoping to paint next weekend. So that we have the extended thanksgiving weekend that follows to put up the decals, fix up the closet and move in furniture. Just in time for our shower the weekend after that. Phew.