A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So yesterday we had our baby shower. And I couldn’t have asked for a better day. Everything was just wonderful, “the grandmas” really outdid themselves.  It was fun and laid back, lots of yummy food and good people. 

 Brian and I were really “showered” with so many gifts.

 It’s truly amazing how many people this child has touched without even being born yet. 

The shower was held at the church I grew up in and was themed the same as the nursery. (Even with cute little bird cookies and bird nest favors. Adorbs)

In the end, I only cried twice (phew). Once at the very beginning when I opens a book from our friends Sam and Brandon. And the inscription to our daughter in it started with “you are loved so much already”. From that point on brian read the cards. Which turned out to be the best thing ever. He was so funny and delt with everyone staring at us amazingly.  I know he couldn’t have been comfortable, but he just shined. 
The second time I cried was at the very end when we opened the gift from my moms. In the basket was a quilt that was made for me when I was a baby by a friend of my moms. And also a afghan that was made for me by my great-grandma. That was a sweet moment. And I know I wasn’t the only misty eyed person in the room. Lol
So a VERY special thank you to my moms for hosting such a wonderful event. Thank you to those who came early to help set up and stayed after to help clean up. And thank you to everyone who came and helped us get ready for our baby to make her first appearance. 
Oh, one more thing that I can’t forget. I was told many times that day that I look so small for being so far along. And that I look beautiful and glowing, etc etc. it was really nice to hear from everyone. 🙂