A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

Just left the OB office. I’m now officially 3cm dialated (not much more then last time) but now 90% effaced. She said they can induce me after the 19th. But, as much as it was hard to say, I said I want to hold off as long as I can on inducing. So now we wait more. Ugh. 

I also lost 3lbs and my blood pressure was a little high. I think she said 138/80. But they didn’t seem concerned. It’s the first time it’s been high, it’s probably just one of those “let’s monitor it” things. 
Next appointment on the 22nd and we will revisit where we are then. But maybe I will go on my own before then. Fingers crossed. 
So now the debate is work. Do I go back next week?  Or call it quits?  I only lasted 2 days last week. I’m exhausted by the end of the day. And as brian pointed out, all the walking and standing probably doesn’t help my ankle in healing. But on the other hand I feel like I should still be able to, and sitting at home won’t help with progression. And I’m bored, but that’s a minor issue. I have a couple days to think on it, so I will.