A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So Kahlan has been kinda smiling the past few days. Like she’s really been trying but just not there yet. I’ve also been the first time mom trying to capture them on my phone, but the eyes just weren’t in it just yet. 

This morning she has been all squiggly and cooing away. (I mean if you slept 9 HOURS you’d feel the same). So I filmed a bit of her antics, and I caught the first full fledged smile!!  
Aaahhhh, just what I needed after last night. I had a terror moment when I went to check on her and I swear she wasn’t breathing so I shook her. She squealed in her sleep…I cried…it was a long hour or so on my part to fall back asleep. Had to work through some mental issues, and luckily brian was there to help. And now this morning I am taking a deep breath and trying to enjoy her in a whole new way. One day at a time.