A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So today was Brian’s first Father’s Day. I hope he enjoyed it. We spent it relaxing at home. 

Though kahlan doesn’t look happy, she was for the majority of the day at least. Lol. Daddy tired her out so much she cried a lot before I could get her to eat and go to bed. Just so worn out from her big day with dad, and she just didn’t want it to end. 
I got some pictures taken of kahlan and myself a couple weeks ago, so he can have some of us at work.

And Kahlan made him some artwork:

He’s one amazing man. And such an amazing father. Kahlan and I are so lucky to have him in our lives. I love him so much and am so happy to be able to navigate this parenthood thing with him. I couldn’t ask for a better partner for me, or a better father for kahlan. I love you brian.