A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

I think that’s the right word to describe it, yes I’d say so. Kahlan and I just donated 100 ounces of breastmilk to a local woman in need. On the drive there it was a little hard, difficult I would say.  It felt like I was handing over a part of “us”. But meeting her little girl, and seeing how happy it made her, it really warmed my heart and made me feel good.

She found me through the LLL organization.  We were both at a walk to bring awareness to breastmilk donations, and little did I know I helped her in more ways than one. I guess her and her husband were standing next to me and Brian when I was feeding Kahlan. He never supported his wife feeding in public, but after seeing me do it and realizing how bad it wasn’t, he then supported her. Later that day she did it for the first time and she sent me a thank you message after figuring out who I was on Facebook.
After talking a little bit I found out she was having a hard time finding donor milk for her baby, as she’s unable to produce enough and supplements with donor breastmilk or formula.  So I decided to give her 100 ounces. Of course that was also on the day that my mom’s fridge broke and my entire stash of milk was gone. So after a little bit of hard work I now have built my stash back up and was able to donate it to her. 
She said that my donation will get her to her six-month goal, and after that she won’t have to supplement anymore. It’s such A good feeling to help get her and her baby to such a big milestone.  So now when I get the next 100 ounces together, I will donate it to another family in need. And it will help get another family to their milestone, and that’s a good feeling.