A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So this morning while reading a few books, Kahlan flailed out and caught me in my left eye. It hurt so freaking bad, but I figured the pain would subside. After about 1 1/2 hours, I tried flushing it with an eye kit. Nothing changed.  So I waited a little longer till I couldn’t stand it anymore. I was having problems thinking. I was having problems taking care of kahlan. I mean it was bad.

 Anywho, I found an eye doc who would take me immediately. After putting in the dye, he looks at my eye and says “oh yeah, she did a doozy. At least she’s doing her job.”  A substantial scratch across my cornea. So some numbing drops to help with the pain for about 5 minutes while he puts in dilation drops and a contact that I have to wear for 24 hours. Then prescription eye drops every 2 hours (after a quick call to InfantRisk just in case).  And I have to go back tomorrow, when they’re closed. As in the doc is coming back to the office just for me tomorrow. That’s kinda nice of him. 

So now my eye is really sensitive to light, the air conditioning in the car was killing me on the drive home but it’s too hot to not have it on, and I have a headache. Wonderful. 

And I still have to go downtown with Kahlan for her PT. I need a nap……