A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

Today is the day. We picked up our helmet this afternoon. We put it on when we got home around 3:30. 

After 30 minutes she started pulling on it. After 45 she started freaking. So off it came just shy of our first hour. We ate and napped. 

Then she slept….for a long time. I think she was faking so she didn’t have to go back in the helmet. Lol

Then back in the helmet for an hour and she did well. 
It’s a five day process to get her in it for 23 hours, and a couple days till she sleeps in it overnight. Cleaning it every night and we have to wash her head every night. And bath time must start earlier, because you can’t put the helmet back on with her hair being wet. It’s a simple process, but our nighttime routine will change a bit. It’s just going to be a long week getting used to it. But once she does, and me too, it will help and all work out for the best. I’m just hoping it goes reasonably easy, and doesn’t affect her sleeping at night. We shall see.