A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So yesterday was our 6 year anniversary. We’ve been together for over 13 years. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long. And we’ve had our trials but we always come out together. And I love us. Even more I love the us that we have become together with adding Kahlan to our family.  I love my life. 

So to celebrate brian and I went to the casino downtown for the first time and ate at the buffet, then played some slots and then went to an escape room (of which we actually escaped from in 42 minutes). It was a nice night together that I throughly enjoyed, but more importantly was in desperate need of. 

Kahlan spent the evening at the grandmas. We dropped her off and left about 6ish. She successfully ate milk from her cup around 7 and then again around 9 and went to sleep!  I got a few updates as this happened and it made me enjoy my night more because I didn’t have to worry about how she was doing. And I’m so happy she did so well on her first night away. 

I was able to sleep in until about 9:30!  And then lounged in bed till 10!  Woke up, pumped, had breakfast ALONE and sat around for an hour before the grandmas dropped her off at home. 

That’s when I learned she woke at 11:30ish and didn’t go back down till 2am. 😕  And that getting her dressed was not the easiest this morning, hence the backwards shirt. Lmao. 
So a HUGE thank you to the grandmas for watching Kahlan so we could have a relaxing evening together, and for doing such an awesome job when she was crazy awake late at night. I truly appreciate it. 
Now we have enjoyed some milk from the tap and are napping away together on the couch.
And all is right in the world.