A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So when Kahlan gets whiney, I know she’s hungry. The past few weeks the conversations have been this:

What do you need Kahlan?
Do you need milk (while signing it)?
Pick her up to feed, sign milk, say milk, few seconds later she signs milk. 
Well yesterday morning it went like this:
What do you need Kahlan?
Do you need milk (while signing it)?
So I do the happy dance and get her the milk. After that I stopped signing milk when I asked, AND SHE STILL SIGNS IT!!!!! Which means she knows “milk”. All day yesterday and all day today. Every time I ask if she needs milk, she signs it!!!
I swear she was getting it before, but then it stopped. Then she signed while eating. This is the most consistent she has been. This time I know she’s got it!!  Now to get her to ask without me asking, or her having to whine for me.