A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

I can’t believe I haven’t posted about Kahlans first thanksgiving. I’ve kinda slacked on this whole blog for the past week or so. 🙁

Anywho. Thursday morning we watched the Macy’s parade. I haven’t watched it in a long time, but I’m not usually up for it. Kahlan enjoyed the music, she would turn towards the tv when music was on. Other then that she couldn’t care. 

We spent a few hours with Brian’s dad and family on Thursday. Also made a stop at Matt & Jessica’s new house for 2nd dinner. Met up with Brian’s mom and my dad on Friday. And then Saturday we had dinner with the grandmas, family and even the cousins from the east coast. 

She ate really well, sampling everything. Enjoyed pumpkin pie, pink salad and a Rice Krispie treat turkey leg. 
All in all a very successful first thanksgiving. Now on to Christmas. I’m so excited for her first Christmas. We are decorating for the first time since we lived in the apartments….Over 10 years ago. 
I even made a tree skirt!!

Brian even started hanging lights outside too!  He listened to Christmas music today in his new truck. I asked what he was listening to, he said it was for Kahlan. Freaking adorable. 
Her presents are purchased and I just cannot wait to wrap. I know she has no clue what it’s all about, but I’m having so much fun.