A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

Kahlan has been bitten by the Frozen bug. She asks to watch it all the time and has now taken to singing the songs. It is so freaking adorable I can’t stand it. 

Today we were getting ready to go visit brian at work so I told her to go to the back door as we were leaving soon. I put the pizza in a box to take with us and walked to the back. 

She was sitting on the floor with her back to the washer, arms curled around her knees holding them in with her head down. She looked sad. So I asked what was wrong. (I didn’t know if she was legitimately sad or just playing sad as she sometimes does.) she responds with, “do want build snowman?” And stands up and starts singing the song turning to the washer like it’s Elsa’s door.  See she was pretending to be Anna outside Elsa’s door all sad. And the best part is she doesn’t know all the words, she knows some,  but she really knows the first and last words of each phrase. So that’s what you hear, “want play?”, “don’t shut door”, “best buddies”…..etc. etc.

One of these days I’ll be able to video it while she’s not looking because once she sees the camera she pouts and stops. Lol