A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So yesterday was your first day of school. I cannot believe it.

It was such a momentous occasion that your dad even took the morning off of work so that he could be with us.

When I picked you up after class you were very excited. You talked about sitting on the #3 butterfly with dots on the carpet. Playing with stuffed bugs, specifically a squeaky spider. Eating goldfish. Singing a song about 5 buzzing bees, which you reenacted for me and was adorable. And giving the little girl with glasses a kiss and then being told not to do that (to which I explained it’s probably because of germs and it’s better to hug). When I asked if you wanted to go back you said, “yeah! We’re gonna have graham crackers.” So yeah, the important stuff. Lmao.

After school we celebrated with lu ch at the mall with a special blue raspberry slushee.

And now here I am the next morning, bright and early, about to wake you for day two. I kinda miss the sleeping in, and you running in to wake me up. The cuddles in bed are really missed too. But we will make up for it on Friday’s.