A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

Well like usual, you were sick, but that didn’t stop the fun!

It started on Saturday when grandma Marlene came over to make apple strudel. Hopefully a new family tradition.

Then Sunday she came back over with Tim, Uncle Adam and Aunt Lauren for our meatloaf family dinner. All week you kept asking if it was time for the family dinner. You were so excited for it.

Monday was when Grandpa Lynn came over for tacos and books. We placed out cookies and milk and carrots for all the reindeer.

Christmas morning you didn’t seem interested in the gifts downstairs. You wanted to drink hot chocolate and watch tv in bed. So that’s what we did.

Eventually we made it downstairs for gifts. This year you made daddy a giraffe phone holder. And you made me a peppermint reindeer that says “I love you mommy. You’re the best”. I may have cried a little. Lol

Then it was off to Aunt Tias house to visit with Grandpa Scott, Grandma Cheryl, Tic, Uncle Den and everyone else.

Then off to Grandma Rose and Ginny’s for dinner with Uncle Mike and Aunt Charity.

I also sadly didn’t take many pictures, but that means I was in the moment with you. This year you weren’t crazy into gifts, but you were into the atmosphere of it all. The lights outside, the tree, making cookies and seeing family. All of the important stuff really.