A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

Birthday Questions:

What’s your name? Kahlan

How old are you? 4

When’s your birthday? January25th

How old is your dad? Um, I just don’t know – 100

How old is mommy? 1

Who’s your best friend? Mateo


TVShow: All of Them

Movie: All of Them

Song: All your songs you sing

Animal: Our cat

Toy: all of my toys

Fruit: cantaloupe

Food: spaghetti

Color: pink

Book: twinkle, twinkle I love you

What are you scared of? Dark

What makes you happy? Being at great wolf lodge and getting candy

What do you wanna be when you grow up? A cowgirl

What do you do really well? Let me show you!!! And then she starts acting out different movements and posing.

What do you like to sleep with at night? Sky

If you had one wish what would it be? That we had a cute kitty (then I pointed out we have one and she replied with “yeah, but he scratches”. Lol)