A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So we are working on getting rid of your clothes and toys you don’t use. I’m giving some to my friends first and then we will sell.

Well anyways, we just dropped off a bag to a friend and it had your watermelon swimsuit on top. And you started crying saying you love it and it’s your favorite and you’re going to miss it. So I explained again what we were doing and you kept saying you’ll miss it.

My heart breaks when your sad so I turned around and said we would go back and get it and you said. “It’s ok mom. I’m allowed to be sad and miss it.”


So the bathing suit is with our friend and you’re so smart. As usual. I mean my acknowledging of your feelings and such up to this point has probably helped. But it’s just so amazing when I see it come through you.

So for the memories: