A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

Well I won’t be going back to sleep for a bit since my adrenaline is now racing.

Kahlan just woke me up crying. She said she fell when she was outside. She dreams a lot and comes into our bed almost every night because of a dream so I cuddled her and was like ok, bad dream. Then all of a sudden I had to go to the bathroom so I did and I thought I’d just check the doors and see. I couldn’t tell if she was talking real or a dream so just to be safe. I went around the corner to the back door and it is WIDE OPEN!!!

I came back up and turned on the light she has chalk on her hand from the sidewalk drawings and her ankle has a cut! She said she went outside to look for me because she thought I was outside planting and pollinating our garden.

She is sleeping attached to me tonight and I called brian at work and we are putting special locks on the doors tomorrow.

I don’t know if she was sleepwalking or awake but this mama is scared shitless and having a hard time going back to sleep now.