A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So there is a gentleman in our neighborhood that every year goes to some kids houses and visits as Santa. We see him walking his dog around and sometimes in his mini van. Your dad refers to him as “creepy Santa”, but it’s nice to see people sharing the spirit of Christmas. (I can’t remember if I explained this last year when he can for the first time or not. Lol)

Anyways, he stopped by right after we got home from dance class and when we heard the knock I knew it was him. So I called you to the door and you opened it for his screaming out “Santa!”.

He sat with you by the Christmas tree as you talked about your dance class and shared the ornaments that you made on the tree. You even showed him some dance moves. Then he asked what you wanted and you said “I get to tell you? I’m so excited!” You asked for a Barbie airplane.

He gave you a coloring book and crayons and a little stocking with stickers and candy canes. Then he sang us a song and left. And of course you forgot to tell him something (I can’t remember what) but something about a toy you have.

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I love seeing the magic of Christmas through your eyes. It makes me all warm and fuzzy and I smile ear to ear. I dread the day you learn the secret of Santa, but I hope you see the joy in it and in being a Santa yourself.