A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So yesterday we went to Rainbows for Kahlan’s evaluation and first round of physical therapy. She did SO GOOD. She was manhandled by a stranger for about 45 minutes and didn’t start to get grumpy till the last few minutes. 

The prognosis:  The tightening is in her right side, and they said it is a mild case. With exercises it can be corrected for sure.  The ultimate goal is to get her full range of motion and to not let her flat spot get worse, with hopes of correcting it as much as possible. 

And that’s my biggest concern, I just don’t want it to get worse. I would hate myself if she had to wear a helmet. They said it won’t be 100% round again, but we may be able to correct it some. It has pushed her ear forward a bit, and her forehead on that side too, that may or may not go back. But it’s all really only noticeable now. Once she gets hair it won’t be as visible, and it will be hard to pick out. 
Her good sleeping habits are what’s going up be the hardest part. Sleeping that long on her head does not help. So I tried her Tortle hat again last night. It comes off easily as she moves because I think it’s too small.  When I checked on her after my shower it was sliding off but I was able to get it back on without waking her. She’s still sleeping now, so I’m not sure how it did all night long. I may end up getting her the bigger size. 
And we have a couple different exercises we need to do with every diaper change. Pretty easy. Plus we need to continue what we’ve been doing to keep her off her head as much as possible. And lastly pray that she starts to like tummy time here real soon. That would help the most during the day for her play time. 
She seems to handle the exercises pretty well, but sometimes she cries which will be hard to do. But I’m sure she will get used to them eventually and they won’t bother her as much. Fingers crossed. 
As for me….I just feel bad. I know there’s nothing I could have done, but the mom in me wishes I could have done something. I mean we caught it early on, so it should be reasonably easy to fix. I just feel horrible. I wish I would have known from the beginning so I could have stopped her head from being hurt. I almost feel like I wasn’t paying enough attention to her because I didn’t notice it and stop it when it started. But I would assume that’s a normal feeling to be having. I just need to focus on getting her better.