A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

Wow, 3 whole months!  I have kept Kahlan alive for 3 months. I have survived 3 months of parenthood. This also means I have successfully breastfed for 3 whole months too. 

Phew. It’s amazing how much your life can change. It’s amazing the things she can do to me.  It’s amazing how much she likes to have her hands in her mouth. This months picture just wasn’t easy. Not only did we wake up at 2:30 for a feed and completly in a bad mood at 8am  (which NEVER happens – I’m thinking growth spurt), I couldn’t get a good pic without her hand in her mouth. But that’s ok, because if you saw her today that’s exactly what you’d see. Either the tongue out or the hand in mouth. 

This is the only one I got, and it’s the “I’m so done with this mom” look.