A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So I’ve decided I want to try my hand at sewing.  My grandma sewed, my mom sewed a lot when I was younger….so why not. I’d like to be able to make diapers a new ring sling and eventually dresses and such for Kahlan. My grandmas machine is being evaluated right now to see what it needed to be in tip top shape again. Hopefully not too much, but if it is I may just buy a new machine. I think there’s a nostalgia in sewing on her machine, but easier functionality on a newer machine. So I don’t know what I’m doing about it yet. 

Until then, mom let me borrow hers. So after some manual searching on how to load the bobbin, I just dove right in. I took a flour sack towel ironed and folded it to the size of a diaper insert and then stitched it.  I also center stitched it so that way when it’s washed it will stay flat. These are used to add extra absorbency to cloth diapers instead of spending a lot of money on special inserts. Anywho, I thought I’d try it because it doesn’t matter how it looks. Lol. And it’s not the prettiest, but it’s functional. I think with only two layers I’ll do better, this was eight. But not bad for my first time. Now I have felt it and can gage it better for the next time.