A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

Today was a full day. First we left at 9:30 and went to the YMCA and signed up for swim lessons!  Yay!  I’m kinda excited!  We start next Saturday. 🙂

After that we went grocery shopping. And today we needed to feed in the middle, plus it’s always a lot more work with her, so we didn’t get home till 12:30 and I didn’t get to unpacking everything till 1:30 after brian got up. 
We chilled at home till 2pm and then went to grandpas to visit and finally meet great Uncle Al & great Aunt Jody.
We caught up and went out to dinner at 6. During which Kahlan ate an entire pouch of food in 2 minutes. Seriously. (I’m hoping all her feeds and extra food today is because of a growth spurt. Grow baby head grow!!)
Then home for a bath and bed. 
We were home for maybe 2 hours total today, and you know how fussy kahlan was?  NOT!  I’m still amazed at her everyday. She’s just so calm and relaxed. She’s the bestest baby ever!