A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So today we went to the YMCA to make up last Saturday’s swim class we missed because of her fever. The first 20 minutes is gym time, and involves stretches and playing on foam shapes and slides. So during free time Kahlan is crawling all over the place from piece to piece. Playing with the other kids and using the other parents as a handle to stand or get around things. Freaking adorable. 

So anywho, she’s standing next to this foam tunnel and decides she want to go to the blue rocking doggie. She lets go of the block and stands there. Now she’s been doing that a couple times a day for the past week or so. So that’s nothing new. 
What was new was when she took a step forward, paused and then took another step and fell. Yes. That’s right. She tried to walk. 
I started saying “no, no, no” and the instructor asked it it was the first time she had done that. I said it was, and she then said if she’s doing that she will be walking soon. I explained we just started crawling, and I’m not ready for that. That’s when she asked how old Kahlan was. “She just turned 9 months on Sunday”.  “Oh yeah, she shouldn’t be doing that.”  Lol
And of course my phone is in the locker, but not like I was expecting it anyways.  She seems to not know how to do something, and then the next day just does it. No prep for me to be ready for it or anything. Lol
So next time I’m going to try my damndest to catch something on tape. And then those will be the first official steps, because until then I’m in denial.