A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

Yep, both on the same day. 

So we started out on Christmas Eve with a visit from Grandma Marlene. 
And then a gift of a book and PJs from us.  Hopefully a tradition every year. 
Then on Christmas Day we started with our monthly photos. I know I say it’s so hard to take her picture every month. BUT IT REALLY IS!!!  And I’m using a new flash on the camera so I’m trying to finesse it to get nice pictures. Pair that with a walking baby and I’m lucky I get one good pic. 

So then we opened gifts at home first. I’ll try to add those pictures in later, but I probably won’t remember to. 

One was a ball pit. Turns out she is a HUGE fan of ball pits. She laughs so much, best $15 ever.  (These are pics of her playing in it today.)

Then we went to Scott & Cheryl’s with the warner family. She really loves the instruments she got. She even figured out how to play the cymbals after I helped her once. 

Then off to the Grandmas. She got another ball pit and gave a ton of squeals for the bystanders. 

She spent the night there so that mom & dad could have a night at the movies. I love getting pics like this. Her enjoying her breakfast and dancing to music. 

Then home in the morning to meet up with grandpa. Who’s giraffe was a huge hit. It lights up and plays lullabies to help her sleep at night. As I write this it is in her crib with her playing some music. 
The past few days were crazy busy and I think she was a bit overwhelmed. All day today she was so clingy to me. Like more clingy then she has ever been. I hope an entire day at home tomorrow helps reset her. 
Though it could also be the three teeth she is currently cutting. Yes, THREE teeth cutting at the same time. And just a few hours ago Brian said he thinks he saw another one. Phew. No wonder she wants extra cuddles all day. I would too!
It was a very wonderful (and successful) 1st Christmas for Kahlan. Lots of memories and the start of new traditions to carry on for years to come.