A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

Well even though we went to Boo at the Zoo in October, this was the first time we went and REALLY saw animals (except the Penguins we saw that cold day). 

She didn’t really have a reaction to any animals. She started at the elephant for a while. 

She tried to touch the mole rats. 

Otherwise it was a general interest in just seeing animals. 

I think the part she laughed at the most was when I let her walk free in the primate building and out in the walkway of the big cats. It wasn’t crazy busy up there, and she loved feeling the different fences and just walking. She really loves walking. 
I caught a really awesome face when I was carrying her. Lol

She wasn’t a huge fan of the carousel. She liked the round and round, but not the up and down. She only lasted a couple times before she tried to jump in my arms. 

She did like the tram, I think it was the wind. 

And she was out in her stroller before we hit the giraffes and rhinos.