A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So when we went for Kahlans 2year checkup the one thing that she was in the grey on was her verbal skills. And a red flag that we should look for was that she should be at least using two words by her 2.5year checkup.

Two weeks after her appointment she told me to “sit down”. Now here we are a little over a month after her appointment and she uses two words together all the time. And it is so freaking cute. For instance:

  • Love dada
  • Dada truck
  • Key-key Ouse (Mickey mouse)
  • Ga Os (grandma rose)
  • Mama milk
  • Love shirt (she told me she loved my shirt)
  • Mama boo-boo (so she could kiss me)

Just a few examples in just the last day or two. So yeah. No need to worry there. Lol