A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

So yesterday we started a prescription (ditropan) for your overactive bladder. We have tried everything to help with your accidents and we are coming up on two years now. As much as there are some potential side effects, they are manageable.

I pray this works for you. I pray this works for me. It will help you feel better about yourself and give you more confidence (though I don’t see how you could possibly have more).

I hope it can bring an end to this. I need it to work. It has to work. I don’t want to have to take you to get the next test done because it down not sound fun. And my emotions are drained. And on the other hand if this does work I will have a lot of guilt to work through. From being angry and not trying it sooner. I just hate the idea of you on a medication already but I need to to work for you to be happy and we can mend.

Fingers crossed.