A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

First. Today Kahlan is 1 month old. It’s hard to believe it’s been a month already. As much as I’m tired and frustrated at times, it truly doesn’t feel like a month already. I guess that’s a good thing. 

This photo above I just happened to snap early this morning. I’m so glad I did, it’s just fabulous. 
And we took her photo next to the monkey I bought her for sizing. Now if only I can remember to take her monthly photos next to it in the future for comparison. 
Today we also went to the mall with Aunt Donna. It was really nice to get out of the house, which I know I keep saying, but this was for about 4 hours. Plus I got the nursing bras I desperately needed and a lot of exercise walking the mall. I actually felt it too, like I did a lot mobility wise. Actually, that’s the most I’ve moved/walked in a month, so I guess I did. I look forward to doing it more too, at least until this crappy weather breaks. 
We also were able to feed for the first time in public. The first time was outside of Dillard’s and then I found the large lounge in the ladies bathroom for the second time. I’m glad Donna was there, she really helped even though she may not realize it.  Not only did she keep me at ease by just talking to me, but she was able to give me an outsiders perspective as to what was on “display”.  Which turns out is not much. I didn’t even feel the need to use a blanket, which really surprised me personally.  
And when I was in the lounge I was thankful for the 2 women who engaged with me while they were changing their babies diapers. They were talking to me like nothing was off or wrong, just like I was a mom with her baby. And they probably didn’t mean anything by talking to me, except to compliment Kahlan, but because they talked to me like nothing was happening I felt completely comfortable and at ease. It felt like a great moment. 
Plus the more I do it the more confident I will become in doing it. But it felt good to finally get the first one out of the way. I took this photo after our first time, it just felt like a moment I wanted to capture together.