A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

I cannot believe that Kahlan is 6 months old already!  It sure doesn’t feel like 6 months have passed already. But the proof is in the fact that she has changed so much!  Gone is the baby meatloaf and just laying there, now she’s crazy active and all over the place. And she’s not even crawling yet!!

As much as I hope for the milestones of the future, I just don’t want her to grow up any more!  I am in love with her toothless grin. Her adorable giggles and squeals get me every time.  And oh my god the talking and raspberries. Swoon. I enjoy watching her learn every day, and love how she just studies things. My heart melts with every zombie kiss. And best of all, being able to pick her up or take her back from someone, and she stops crying. It’s great to be #1. 

I’m also really proud of us to have breastfed this long. I didn’t know if I would be able to, as it’s truly not natural, and here we are 6 months later. It has been really stressful and frustrating but I am so glad I have stuck with it. Now I am one of the 18% of women who exclusively breastfed their child to 6 months. That just shows how hard it really is. 

I never saw myself having a baby until these past few years. I lost my purpose in life and needed a new one. Do I now feel like I have a purpose again?  Amongst the feedings and the diapers and the crying, not really. But every once in a while I see a glimmer of it, and every day it becomes more and more apparent

It’s also becoming more difficult to take her monthly photo. But that also means that I catch some awesome ones too. 
Also this nice comparison from 1 month to 6 months.