A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

Last night she was still breathing fast and retracting. Today she’s breathing fast and retracting. But it seems a little slower at times. Like one moment she’s good and then she starts breathing fast again. 

She slept a little better. Was up a lot the first two hours. Then slept in like 2-3 hour increments. So better then the night before at least.
She’s definitely feeling better though. She’s running around like crazy and talking so much. She wasn’t talking much at all on Sunday or Monday, today she’s just gabbing away. 
And she does so well with the nebulizer. I think because she knows how much it’s helping. I’m just glad she’s feeling like her normal self, even if this is something that will take a month to go away, as long as she’s acting normal I’m happy. 
Now to work on her eating.